
Rockerboys Solos Netrunners Techies MedTechs Medias Cops Corporates Fixers Nomads


There were these scum out there messing with the world <...> So I decided to put the heat on 'em and make 'em sweat. That's why I became a rockerboy
- Kerry Eurodyne, Rockerboy

Special ability: Charismatic leadership
Rockers are able to sway crowds equal to his ability level squared, times 200

You have a message, and you have the courage to spread it. Rockerboys don't even limit themselves with music - dance and poetry, performances of any kind that fill the purpose - moving the people, opening their eyes to the issues they are blind to, and giving them strength to act. Choose this class if you listen to the lyrics, love attention and always have something to say

Career skills: Charismatic leadership
Wardrobe & Style
Play Instrument


<...> I got into a dustdown with a local Booster lord. I flatlined him and went back to my drink. Within ten minutes, the recruiter from Militech came up to me and dropped a buisiness card
- Morgan Blackhand

Special ability: Combat Sense
Added to all Initiative and Awareness checks, this makes the Solo the fastest reacting perso in a situation

Solo is a new word, but the meaning stuck with us for millenia. Mercenaries, soldiers, fighters, those who only feel alive, when death barely misses them - or rather others like them do. Choose this class if you think fast and shoot faster, your knuckles are reinforced and your vision is augmented

Career skills: Combat Sense
Brawling or Martial arts
Weapons Tech


Somewhere out there is a guy with half his forebrain burned out. I wonder if they ever found the body. I wonder if they'll find mine the same way...
- Spider Murphy

Special ability: Interface
This Skill reflects the Netrunner's ability to manipulate Interface programs, and is the skill used when operating Menu functions such as Locate Remote, Run Software, Control Remote, LDL Link, Create and Delete. Other players can enter the Net, but can't use the Menu

Netrunners are most often very young, but they move in the Cyberspace better than computer science professors - because they are born into it. They learned the strings of World Wide Web as we learned names of the streets in our block. Choose this class if you are the future, take ice baths over hot showers and have gigabytes of memes saved directly in your brain

Career skills: Interface
Basic Tech
System Knowledge
Cyberdeck Design


So you want me to build a delay switch into the thing? And you don't care about explosion radius?<...>No problem. If you can get parts, I can fix it. Count on it, choombatta.
- Mister Ice, Head of Design, Technix, Inc.

Special ability: Jury Rig
This general repair skill allows the Techie to temporarily repair or alter anything for 1D6 turns per level of skill

The heaven is made of the newest tech, and Techies are angels that keep it working. With only a current source and some scrap metal they will fix your car, upgrade your gun, boost your AV and make that damn switch work. Choose this class if you like to sound smart, value tech over people and want to build the future with your own hands

Career skills: Jury Rig
Basic Tech
Any other three Tech Skills:
(Gyro, Aero, Weapons, Elect. Security, etc)


So get this... This metalhead breaks down the door, shoves my patient off the table and lies down. Massive gun in one hand, bag with fat stacks in the other, and bleeding profusely. Seemed tough, but... His implants alone bought me rent for two months
- Skelly Jones, Ripperdoc

Special ability: Medical Tech
This is the skill used to perform major surjery and medical repairs

When booster gangs happen to flatline a cybered-up gonk, they often rush the body to a Ripperdoc. They dismantle the poor guy (or gal) and pay the ganger generously. Ripperdocs that have some morals and prefer his patients alive are called Medtechs and work in hospitals, implant clinics and often - directly with mercenaries, as combat medics. Of course, there is also a matter of Trauma Team - the most professional - and costly - lifesaving service in NC... Choose this class if you want to be Solo's best friend, know your way around a wound and love fitting new cybertech in those who pay

Career skills: Medical Tech
Basic Tech
Cryotank Operation
Library Search
Human Perception


They went right into the Central American warzones with the cybergrunts, and they got the story even when shooting was maximally fierce. That's the part I like; the danger
- Lyle McClellan, Network 54

Special ability: Credibility
The ability to have people believe what you are saying while in your on-air persona

Truth is a rare beast these days. Medias are fighting ruthlessly over what remains - sometimes to present it to the people... but do they even wanna know? It do be cozy in a corporate-issued luxury AV, and bullets won't hurt you up here. Choose this class if you have an opinion about fake news, ready to suffer for what you believe in and can talk real sweet

Career skills: Credibility
Human Perception
Photo & Film


Drop it, punk. I don't wanna hear your life story, and I don't care what Society did to you. I just wanna see that gun hit the floor. Now
- sgt. Max Hammerman, NCPD

Special ability: Authority
The ability to intimidate or control others through your position as a lawman

A cop's a cop. What else to say... Whether he got feet on the ground, or office toilet is the most dangerous place he's been to, we all know what makes him tick - maybe power, maybe career opportunities, or he just likes shooting people and feeling righteous about it - there are no good people in the NCPD. Or at least that's the word on the streets... Choose this class if you love the NUSA, kicking down doors and subverting expectations

Career skills: Authority
Human Perception


All the money ain't worth frack. You play this game for power. The power to get things done; the power to make big decisions; to affect things. You make a phone call and the next thing you know, you are telling the president of some bushleague Euronation that he'd better play it your way, or he's history
- An unidentified Corporate

Special ability: Recources
This represents the Corporate's ability to command corporation recources. It is used as a persuasion skill, basedon the scale of recources requested

In a world that moves faster than the government machine can, private enterprise became more profitable than ever. The suits - corporate suits, that is - would buy you whole, if only they deemed it profitable. Choose this class if you can surf the warm industry, love being a part of something bigger and dream to once become that bigger thing yourself

Career skills: Recources
Human Perception
Library Search
Stock Market
Wardrobe & Style
Personal Grooming


You make a friend - he'll take you in when the street's too hat, and they'll pass you a bit of datat when you call in the markers. But that's business. I got a slogan..."How much you pay me?"
- Phil "Nacho" Hernandez, Fixer

Special ability: Streetdeal
The ability to locate people, information, etc. This is a higher form of making a connection; instead of knowing only one person, you have connections everywhere. In gameplay, a successful use of Streetdeal allows you to locate and acquire a desired person, place or thing

Fixers are the blood of the streets, and stability (like in homeostasis) is a Fixers worst enemy - once the chaos is gone, his services are of no need to his clientele. Clients won't pay if they're dead, though... so a successful Fixers maintains a propper balance of danger and safety, heat and safehouses, supply and demand. Choose this class if you are capable of doing bad things for the sake of a bigger good, understand gang wars beyond "these are bad people" and can get away with anything

Career skills: Streetdeal
Pick Lock
Pick Pocket


Guns. Guns and cyberbikes. That's how we hold the line. We don't have a home except the Caravan. We don't have any rights except what we take. <...>There's kids, old men and women - families here. This ain't no boostergang. These people are my family
- Nomad Santiago

Special ability: Family
This allows Nomad to call in as many Family members to aid him as his current Family Ability level x2

The Wildlands are surprisingly full of life. What seems like an empty, windy desert to the unknowing eye, for a Nomad is a story - the Mono hums to the north, fresh tyre tracks say raiders near, and that one jackrabbit in the dirt means a good stew for the family. The city is no different - ifnwhen a Nomad comes to town, the town trembles. It may have something to do with big cam Cummins motor in every third Caravan car running right outside the town, but the effect still stands. Choose this class if you'd rather die than give up your freedom, van life is perfect for you, and your soul is the stone your principles are carved in

Career skills: Family
Basic Tech
Wilderness Survival

Custom classes

You can create custom classes too, but first - think, do you really need to? Why and how any of existing classes don't fit your character? Are you going to create a new Special Ability, or only modify the Career Skills to better reflect your characters goals, features and upbringing?

Once you're dead set on creating a new class - pick any 9 skills to be your Career Skills - but remember, that they directly reflect the career your character follows, be reasonable and talk to your Ref. And coming up with a brand new Special Ability - your Ref has to approve it and/or help you with it